Circle of Care
Circle of Care
Mixed Group
Circle of Care is a mentor support group for families, caregivers, and friends who have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or any type of chronic illness or dementia.
The bible study in the group is to help strengthen your faith and provide some spiritual wisdom, support, and encouragement for caregivers.
The goal is to help move forward into their future with confidence. We serve a loving God who knows the beginning from the end. We will learn and grow in understanding of what is ambiguous grief.
Caregiving requires both physical and mental stamina. The best way to be a caregiver is to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself will prepare you to go the distance, all the while providing excellent care for your loved one.
Most importantly, telling your story through sharing is very powerful for your healing and others too. You are not alone. We invite you to come and join us. Let us connect in loving fellowship.
Every other Thursday
Wanda Davis

About Us - Main
Who We Are ·
Windsor Christian Fellowship is a revolutionary church located in Windsor, Ontario that is reaching out to every generation with a message of hope through powerful worship and practical teaching. WCF is a non-denominational church built on four important principles: Prayer, the Word of God, Fellowship and engaging Children’s Ministries. God’s Word is presented with lively dramas, multi-media, and other visual arts. If you are looking for a place to learn more about God’s love, to strengthen your faith and discover your purpose in the Body of Christ come and see what we are all about.
Our Vision
- Redeeming Our Communities -
Helping God To Redeem For Himself A People From All Peoples
9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a great roar,
“Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne
and from the Lamb!”
Revelations 7:9-10
Our Values

In A Healthy Culture
1) We are continually reminded of our identity (Identity)
2) We continually ask ourselves, are people drawn to God through the interactions they have with me? (Maturity)
3) We understand that we have been given a great mandate, to call other sons and daughters home (Mission)
Our Purpose
Equipping The Body For Everyday Discipleship

LEADThe Generations To Christ

The people of God are empowered not only when they meet, but also when they live scattered completely dependent on the leadership of the Holy Spirit to change the lives of the people they encounter.
2 Corinthians 5.17-18
Our Purpose
CONNECTThem To His Master Plan

The local church is portrayed in scripture as the household of God, so brothers and sisters under the care of God the Father. Co-heirs with Christ in His inheritance; joining Him in the family business of redeeming the lost.
Romans 814-17; Ephesians 4.13
Our Purpose
EMPOWERThem To Succeed

As Christ is more fully formed in people, the totality of their lives is impacted. Those who are overwhelmed with how Christ has served them will serve others. Those in awe of Cod’s generosity will be generous. Those who are captivated
by God’s mission of rescue and redemption join Him in pursuing people who are far from God. Their serving, generosity, and sense of mission impact their relationships, their approach to their careers, and their view of life. Their growth as a disciple shapes how they lead at home, in their profession, and through all of life.”
Ephesians 4:11-13
Our Purpose
GROWThe Kingdom Of God

We reflect the image and nature of God everywhere we go. Making the invisible Kingdom visible by displaying the Fruit of the Spirit. As we reflect, God’s character in our spheres of influence “image bearers*, it witnesses to people, captivates them, and gives them hope for a better Kingdom. In this environment people encounter God as the Holy Spirit leads us and does His work (of salvation and sanctification).
New Here
For centuries individuals who struggled with their mental health were forced to suffer in silence. It was considered distasteful to speak of feeling anxious, depressed or suicidal. People who suffered with the more visible mental illnesses were often ostracized or dehumanized by an unempathetic society. Thankfully, in today’s society, mental health has moved into the forefront of public health concerns. Mental health is more apt to be openly discussed in all circles of life. Here at Windsor Christian Fellowship, we understand that mental illness is very real in today’s world. We have embraced and have educated ourselves on the struggles that individuals experience in their day to day lives. We are keenly aware that life struggles can become overwhelming, leaving a person without hope.
We have designated trained Christian Counselors who are here to help navigate through the adversities of life while showing individuals that Hope has a name; JESUS. Sessions are confidential with some exceptions. It is required by law that information be disclosed to the proper authorities if there is known child/elder abuse, if there is a danger to yourself or others and/or if you agree to release the information.
Elizabeth Mulder is our trained and licensed Psychotherapist/Christian Counselor. She is registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario. If you have coverage for psychotherapy, you may be reimbursed by your health care provider.
Pastor Barb is our pastoral counselor/life coach. She has an abundance of training in her field.
COVID-19 UPDATE: PLEASE NOTE: In compliance with the recommendations of our professional college, therapy sessions will continue to be conducted virtually; either through Zoom or by telephone.
How to get connected
You Are Welcome Here
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Windsor Christian Fellowship is a revolutionary church in Windsor, Ontario that’s reaching out to every generation with a message of hope through powerful worship and practical teaching.
Looking for an original, authentic, and relevant church that will inspire and encourage you? All you have to do is come as you are. We’re excited to have you join us! Click below to find out more about how a typical Sunday works at WCF.
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Our Purpose
- Equipping The Body For Everyday Discipleship -
How Do We Accomplish This?

The Generations to Christ
Windsor Christian Fellowship believes that the church must be relevant to every generation.

Them to His master plan
We believe in the importance of connecting people to; Jesus, the church, and one another.

Them to succeed
Our greatest source of empowerment is through a deep personal relationship with God.

The Kingdom
Once you are connected to the church, it is important to put your faith into action by serving in the ministries that will help you grow and to bless others.
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