Our Needs List
Here is a list of our current needs. This list is updated periodically. To contribute fully or partially to any of the below needs, kindly contact Linda Soulliere at (519)-997-2008 or send an email to ls@wcf.ca.
Evangelism Team : 4 3/4 gallon Cambro Insulated Beverage Dispenser x2 to serve the homeless
Evangelism Team : Costco 6ft tables with handles x2 to serve the homeless
Parking Lot – Lifting Manhole Covers
Evangelism Team : 4 3/4 gallon Cambro Insulated Beverage Dispenser x2 to serve the homeless
Received : $577.64
Evangelism Team : Costco 6ft tables with handles x2 to serve the homeless
Received : $258
Parking Lot – Lifting Manhole Covers
Received : $7400
Different Ways You Can Give
We have a debit card machine available at our information centre. The Information Center opens between Sunday services from 10:15am - 11:00am.
Credit Card
On our envelopes we have a dedicated field for giving by credit. Fill the appropriate fields and your payment will be processed by our business office. Or, if you prefer, you can use a credit card machine at our information centre.
Include your cheque donation in the envelopes passed out by our ushers. Giving envelopes are also available at the information booth.
E-Transfer can be sent to giving@wcf.ca. Please add full name and address for your charitable donation receipt.
Giving by cash can be arranged by calling reception @ 519-972-5977 or in service

Why Donate?
Windsor Christian Fellowship was founded by a small group of Christians in 1982. Since the very beginning WCF has continued to tithe at least 10% of revenues. The church you see today is the fruit of God’s blessing on the faithful giving of this congregation. WCF has continued to serve its congregation, this community and worldwide missions through your generous tithes and offerings.
Why Donate?
Windsor Christian Fellowship was founded by a small group of Christians in 1982. Since the very beginning WCF has continued to tithe at least 10% of revenues. The church you see today is the fruit of God’s blessing on the faithful giving of this congregation. WCF has continued to serve its congregation, this community and worldwide missions through your generous tithes and offerings.