Knowing Rediscovered

Many of us conform to the patterns of the world around us. Even with the best intentions, we often mimic what we believe to be good rather than pursuing a living knowledge and connected understanding that teaches us how to live our day-to-day lives. This course will help you discover your true God-given identity, which is key in operating with the same power that Jesus had. Each week, we introduce crucial steps that open doors to help discover or rediscover pieces of your foundational knowledge that you may have missed. This study helps you see beneath Jesus’ decisions as well as the direction that led him to powerfully connect with and transform so many people. This is how he changed the world, and how you can too!

Starting March 5th (Wednesdays) - TBD
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Board Room (Upstairs by Fellowship Hall)
Peter & Vanessa Quiring