Leadership in the Workplace

Leadership in the Workplace

Our classes are designed to gain an understanding of God’s sovereignty as it relates to your vocation.  You may not see a physical altar in your boardroom, at your workstation, at your home office or on your video conference, but I promise you it is there.

We need to approach our work lives with a higher level of reverence for the assignment that God has given us, because the way we conduct our work is our worship.

Join us for our next Leadership in the workplace class starting February 23rd 2025!! Check out the attached testimony to learn more about our class offering.

Sundays - Chapel
11:00pm - 12:30pm
Des Griffiths & Friends
Register Here!

Check out the link below to see Richard’s testimony from taking the course in our Spring Session!


Marriage Enhancement

Marriage Enhancement

If you are married, this announcement is for you!
The Marriage Enhancement class will begin on October 6th
This FREE 10-week marriage class is designed to Improve your:

  • Communication
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Unity and peace
  • And Intimacy

To register email: Cynthia@wcf.ca
Or, sign up at the welcome centre

Starting March 5th (Wednesdays) - TBD
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Cynthia Williams
Watch Video for more details

Moving in the Prophetic

Moving in the Prophetic

1 Corinthians 14:1,3 says, “Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy. But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.”  This class is created to help drive those who have spiritual hunger (desire) to experience transformation in their lives through the gifting of the prophetic. The 8 sessions will include among others, topics of hearing, listening, empowering, and executing the gifting God has for you.

Starting March 5th (Wednesdays) - Location - TBD
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Prophetic Ministry Team
Watch Video for more details

The Scattered Church Made Simple

a deeper, more practical look at the Acts church and how we can model that in our culture. It is a great series of teachings on what it truly means to be ministers of the gospel. It focuses on the decentralization of local church leadership where a few hold the responsibility of doing the work of ministry, to where every member is equipped and trained to be ministers of the gospel in their personal areas of influence outside of the church. We “Gather to be Scattered” ultimately transforming communities and growing His Kingdom. 14 weeks. Please note: all Wednesday classes are at WCF 7-8:30 and Sunday classes are via Zoom 6-7:30.  See the calendar dates for “The Scattered Church Made Simple” below:  Email larry@wcf.ca to sign up

Recovery for Codependent Relationships

Do you feel caught in a trap of constantly trying to please everyone, and yet you still feel guilty at the end of the day? Do you feel as if you and a loved one are in a never-ending battle for control and have no idea who is winning or losing? Do you feel as if something is missing in your life?     In codependent relationships, deceitful games are played, and important Christian principles are often taken out of context and abused. God wants us to have healthy relationships with a balance between being dependent and independent. This course describes how the most effective means of overcoming codependent relationships is to establish or deepen a relationship with Christ Himself. Allow this course to help you break the cycle of codependency and free you to make new choices...free to choose love. Cost: $15/book   

Anger Management

Learn how you can free yourself from the frustrations that sabotage your life and relationships and find freedom and victory in Christ Jesus. You can be free from the anger trap. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!

Practical Evangelism

Practical Evangelism

Evangelism Ministry Team – Do you have a fear of sharing your faith with others?  Do you hear people talk about “Go ye therefore…” and feel a mixed combination of desire and hesitation? In this class we will examine the what, why, and how of evangelism in classroom study and learn how to share the gospel biblically, naturally, and effectively as we get outside of the church walls to reach those God loves. Evangelism is the overflow of knowing and loving God.

Starting January 15 (Wednesdays) - Upstairs by Fellowship Hall
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Evangelism Ministry Team
Watch Video for More Details

D2L-O (Wednesday)

This class focuses specifically on understanding your true calling and identity as a Christ follower. As stated in the book, the Church should be the greatest place for producing leaders. The reason is because Jesus, the Head of the Church, was the greatest leader to ever walk the earth. If we are engaged in discipleship, and becoming like him, we should be growing as leaders who bless the world.  NOTE: This course started on October 6th, runs weekly on Tuesday evening from 7 – 8:30pm for 20 weeks and will end on March 9th. All sessions will be via Zoom. There is a book purchase ($20) required with this course.   Email larry@wcf.ca to sign up

D2L-O (Sunday)

D2L-O Class

What is D2L-O? Is it just another variation of Designed to Lead? Is it just another leadership course? The answer to those 2 questions is NO. One key aspect that answers the why…to align with the current culture of the church.

Beyond that, answer the following questions: Are you uncertain of your life’s purpose? Do you question your identity? Do you feel that perhaps there is something more for you, but you are uncertain as to what that is? If these questions resonate with you, then you are not alone. Here are a few comments we have heard about D2L-O:

  • This course has completely changed my mindset about why I’m here and what my mission is.
  • Personally, it caused me to reflect deeper on many of the key elements to my faith.
  • This course has had a huge impact on my spiritual walk in the way that it really highlights where I’ve fallen short and reminds me of the point and purpose in all of this.
  • This course has started me on a clearer path in understanding who God says I am.

Click here to view Testimony

Course Outline:  
We are the church collectively and individually.

God’s plan to redeem mankind includes us. From the beginning, He designed us to live in community and gave us stewardship responsibilities over the earth and everything in it, including one another; and Jesus has restored us to that rightful place.

When we reach out to God to care for our souls only, we miss this connection to His master plan. Our helping Him to meet the needs of others is directly connected to us having our own needs met. The church of God is sent on the mission of God.

But for the world to encounter God as He works in and through us, we must be mature believers. A mature believer is accustomed to dying to self and willingly does so daily. A mature believer knows who they are and whose they are. A mature believer reflects the image and likeness of God in their daily interactions and, in so doing, causes flourishing to take place in their sphere of influence. In this environment, the Holy Spirit can make the invisible Kingdom of God visible, and to call other sons and daughter’s home.

Sunday D2L-O Class will start February 9th, 2025

Online Registration will close January 26th.

Register Here

The Next D2L-O Class with start Sunday, March 16th, 2025.

Online Registration will close March 2nd.

Register Here

Song of Solomon

We all have passion and a yearning for intimacy and romance. God did not create these desires in us without also giving us the owner's manual for relationships. The biblical book Song of Solomon is devoted to all the aspects of love. The topics covered will be: The art of attraction, dating, intimacy & sex, conflict, romance, and commitment.