Moving in the Prophetic
Moving in the Prophetic
1 Corinthians 14:1,3 says, “Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy. But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.” This class is created to help drive those who have spiritual hunger (desire) to experience transformation in their lives through the gifting of the prophetic. The 8 sessions will include among others, topics of hearing, listening, empowering, and executing the gifting God has for you.
Starting October 2nd (Wednesdays) - Location - Chapel (By the Fellowship Hall)
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Prophetic Ministry Team
Marriage Enhancement
Marriage Enhancement
If you are married, this announcement is for you!
The Marriage Enhancement class will begin on October 6th
This FREE 10-week marriage class is designed to Improve your:
- Communication
- Conflict resolution skills
- Unity and peace
- And Intimacy
To register email:
Or, sign up at the welcome centre
Starting October 2nd (Wednesdays) - Room 118
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Cynthia Williams
Leadership in the Workplace
Leadership in the Workplace
We need to approach our work lives with a higher level of reverence for the assignment that God has given us, because the way we conduct our work is our worship.
Join us for our next Leadership in the workplace class starting February 23rd 2025!! Check out the attached testimony to learn more about our class offering.
Sundays - Chapel
11:00pm - 12:30pm
Des Griffiths & Friends
Check out the link below to see Richard’s testimony from taking the course in our Spring Session!
Becoming What You Believe
Becoming What You Believe
In this 9 session course you will have the opportunity to dive into teachings and practices that lead to lasting transformation and living fearlessly in your true identity. Hear and receive from the loving God. Exchange your lie-based thinking for God’s truth. Live out your identity and destiny in the Kingdom.
Starting October 2nd (Wednesdays) - Upstairs by Fellowship Hall
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Peter & Vanessa Quiring
Learning to trust again in relationships. Difficult relationships can damage our ability to trust, causing us to shut down from close relationships. But God designed us to experience freedom and love. To live this way, we eventually need to take a risk. Come take this 8-week course starting on March 6th, upstairs by Fellowship Hall in Room 331.
Starting March 6th (Wednesdays) - Upstairs by Fellowship Hall (Room 331)
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Karen LaBute
Jesus' Power Over The Powers
Jesus' Power Over The Powers
Every Christian quickly discovers that they need to learn to enter into the worldview of our Lord and the first disciples. That world view was/is/will be supernatural. Jesus first experience in ministry was to be baptized. His second was to watch the heavens split open, as the Holy Spirit empowered Him for ministry. Jesus third experience in ministry was to spend 40 days and nights staring down the Prince of the Power of the Air, the being who was committed to the destruction of everything Jesus believed. And Jesus won against that dark power–and immediately started casting out demons and healing the sick. This course will teach us how to enter into Jesus’ worldview and how to stand against the powers of darkness. We will discover how to live in Jesus’ victory over the powers.
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