Who We Are ·
Windsor Christian Fellowship is a revolutionary church located in Windsor, Ontario that is reaching out to every generation with a message of hope through powerful worship and practical teaching. WCF is a non-denominational church built on four important principles: Prayer, the Word of God, Fellowship and engaging Children’s Ministries. God’s Word is presented with lively dramas, multi-media, and other visual arts. If you are looking for a place to learn more about God’s love, to strengthen your faith and discover your purpose in the Body of Christ come and see what we are all about.
Our Vision
- Redeeming Our Communities -
Helping God To Redeem For Himself A People From All Peoples
9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a great roar,
“Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne
and from the Lamb!”
Revelations 7:9-10
Our Values

In A Healthy Culture
1) We are continually reminded of our identity (Identity)
2) We continually ask ourselves, are people drawn to God through the interactions they have with me? (Maturity)
3) We understand that we have been given a great mandate, to call other sons and daughters home (Mission)
Our Purpose
Equipping The Body For Everyday Discipleship

LEADThe Generations To Christ

The people of God are empowered not only when they meet, but also when they live scattered completely dependent on the leadership of the Holy Spirit to change the lives of the people they encounter.
2 Corinthians 5.17-18
Our Purpose
CONNECTThem To His Master Plan

The local church is portrayed in scripture as the household of God, so brothers and sisters under the care of God the Father. Co-heirs with Christ in His inheritance; joining Him in the family business of redeeming the lost.
Romans 814-17; Ephesians 4.13
Our Purpose
EMPOWERThem To Succeed

As Christ is more fully formed in people, the totality of their lives is impacted. Those who are overwhelmed with how Christ has served them will serve others. Those in awe of Cod’s generosity will be generous. Those who are captivated
by God’s mission of rescue and redemption join Him in pursuing people who are far from God. Their serving, generosity, and sense of mission impact their relationships, their approach to their careers, and their view of life. Their growth as a disciple shapes how they lead at home, in their profession, and through all of life.”
Ephesians 4:11-13
Our Purpose
GROWThe Kingdom Of God

We reflect the image and nature of God everywhere we go. Making the invisible Kingdom visible by displaying the Fruit of the Spirit. As we reflect, God’s character in our spheres of influence “image bearers*, it witnesses to people, captivates them, and gives them hope for a better Kingdom. In this environment people encounter God as the Holy Spirit leads us and does His work (of salvation and sanctification).